Surtigas continues to attract new customers to the gas service which, at the year end, benefited 824,713 users. It reached 23 new towns, thus totaling 208 towns served at December 2020. In order to go on boosting sustainable mobility, it arranged for 45 heavy cargo vehicles to enter service, and expects another 20 to do the same in 2021.
In June 2020, Surtigas received ratification of its national long- and short-term AAA and F1+ ratings, respectively. Fitch Ratings also confirmed the AAA rating for the Surtigas COP 200,000 million Ordinary Bonds issue.
GdO As a result of the joint commitment and efforts of every area of the company, GdO succeeded in connecting 39,151 new users and constructing 14,765 rings, thus achieving a 91 per cent coverage figure in its area of influence. At the 2020 year end, GdO had a 12 per cent share of natural gas service beneficiaries in Colombia. As part of its sustained effort to continue generating wellbeing in the area, it arranged for 52 heavy cargo vehicles to enter service, and expects another 24 to do the same in 2021.
In April 2020, Fitch Ratings confirmed the national long- and short-term AAA and F1+ ratings, respectively. It also confirmed the AAA ratings for the GdO COP 200,000 million and COP 300,000 ordinary bond issues, thereby ratifying the company’s strong business situation, stability, and adequate liquidity position.
Gases del Caribe and its affiliated companies Efigas and Gases de la Guajira reached the figure of 1,794,608 users in 2020. 66,274 beneficiaries were connected to the natural gas service during the year in La Guajira, Cesar, Magdalena, Atlántico, Bolívar, Caldas, Risaralda and Quindío provinces. The coverage figures for the areas served by Gases del Caribe, Efigas and Gases de La Guajira are 90 per cent, 85 per cent and 86 per cent, respectively.
| | We consolidated our leading position in the natural gas sector of the Peruvian market by making an investment of USD 22.8 million (COP 85,000 million) to acquire 100 per cent of Gascop (nowadays Promigas Peru), a company that pioneered natural gas for the industrial and vehicles market in the north of the country. We strengthened our gas distribution business in the north through Quavii by connecting 36,000 new users and, despite the restrictions imposed because of the pandemic and resulting from the agrarian strike, volume was 84 per cent up on 2019, due, among other reasons, to growing demand in the fishing industry. Storage capacity at Coischo station was increased, with a view to meeting this growing fishing industry demand. This project included the installation of forced vaporizers, which increase efficiency in the current regasification process. The second VNG cock was connected to the Quavii network in the town of Chimbote, and testing continued on sections dedicated to LNG before execution of the green corridor project continued. Gasnorp continued to execute the schedule during the period, in order to comply with the initial POC in April 2021. Work began on the Sullana station, the inauguration of which was attended by Lieutenant Osinergmin, the mayor and municipal manager. Construction work on the Piura and Talara stations was scheduled to commence in January 2021, as also was construction of the gas pipeline that will connect the whole Piura region. Meanwhile Cálidda, the distribution company that serves the Lima and Callao market, achieved a coverage figure of 90 per cent by executing investments totaling USD 70 million, and it passed the figure of one million users. It reported 93,385 new connections in 2020 and achieved a year-end total of 1,046,067 users in Lima and Callao, ten per cent up on the total accumulated users in the previous year. As it continued with its mass usage plan, it penetrated four new towns and closed the year serving 34. It distributed 7,353 million m3 of natural gas, 75 per cent of it to generators.