
The interest of our organization to have competent and motivated people, is the engine that encourages us to maintain a compensation policy grounded in equity and competitiveness. It is the policy of the organization to establish a compensation scheme, which allows to attract, develop and retain the people that are required to fully fulfill the higher purpose. ​

Promigas carries out regular salary surveys with the purpose of verifying the fairness and competitiveness of the salaries of the positions of the organization.



CEO´s Compensation

The President has financial indicators such as net profit / budgeted net profit. In terms of growth, the CEO has indicators such as: Presentation of a binding offer for an asset in the US, Brazil or Central America; Definition and deployment of the new Promigas strategy, Brilla 2.0 and a subsidiary; Structuring of business cases in new energies: Biomethane, Hydrogen, Thermal Districts, Thermosolar.

Likewise, the Compensation Committee defines guidelines on variable compensation of the President and other positions of the organization. During the last 3 years, indicators associated with Net Profit, Industrial Security and Innovation have been maintained.​

The detailed president’s indicator board can be downloaded below:

Download ​CEO’s Indicat​ors Table

​Ratio between CEO’s compensation and other employees

​Below you can find the ratio between the CEO’s yearly compensation and the mean and median of the other employees’ yearly compensation.

Human Capital Return on Investment

Gender Pay Indicators​

1. For the mean and median gap, the following formula is used: (Mean or median men – Mean or median women) / (Mean or median men)

2. To calculate the pay gap, the mean and median of the annual basic salary, including social benefits, are used.​ ​

3. For the calculation of the variable compensation gap, only employees who receive this type of compensation are included.​​


​Financial Benefits

We believe in the importance of accompanying our employees and their families at different stages of their lives, so we have the following financial benefits:

  • ​ ​ Extra-legal benefits (holiday bonuses, half-yearly bonuses, seniority bonus).​
  • Financial assistance related to marriage, birth or adoption and mortuary.​
  • Educational grants and scholarships for the children of the partners to attend primary, secondary and undergraduate education.​
  • Annual non-salary allowance for the education of children aged 2 and above in day care.​
  • Graduate / postgraduate assistance for collaborators.​​

​Aware that the protection of our human team is a priority, we have a life insurance for each employee that recognizes financial support in case:​

  • Death​
  • Funeral​
  • Permanent Disabilities
  • Serious Illness
  • ​ Fatherhood​

Financial Opportunities

We provide our employees and their families with financial solutions to improve their quality of life, such as:

  • ​ ​ Vehicle loans
  • ​ Housing loans
  • ​ Other lines​ ​
Through the savings of the mutual savings plan "FIMPRO" we promote them to build capital so that they fulfill their dreams and those of their families.​ ​

 We pay our employees for common and work-related disabilities at 100%, maintaining their income level.​

Benefits in Time

They are non-economic benefits that we offer to our employees and that generate a balance between work, personal and family life.​

Working hours:
In the company there are different schedules available for the collaborator to choose the one that best suits their family needs. Only immediate boss approval is required.
​Hybrid work:
We have a hybrid work mode that is for those who, by its nature, may occasionally perform activities outside the company’s facilities and decide to volunteer.

In this modality, the collaborator can work anywhere according to his choice, as long as it guarantees the connectivity, the execution of the assigned tasks and the permanence in the city in which he was hired no more than 60 kilometers from the municipal seat. Collaborators whose positions are not applicable to the hybrid work policy. They may have 1 Home Office day per semester.
Time for you to:
  • All contributors will be entitled to 4 half days off each year. This time should be enjoyed within the same calendar year. 
  • As a support to the newborn, paternity leave may be extended for an additional five (5) working days. Likewise, the company may grant up to 3 weeks of work at home after the end of maternity or paternity leave.
  • We have free time in case our collaborator marries.
  • ​ In addition, the company grants permits for the care of family members who have a calamity or vulnerable health condition.​