



PEP: No​

  • ​Employed by Promigas S.A. 35 years ago, he began as an intern and is currently the Financial and Administrative Vice President, answering for support in managing the portfolio of investments in other companies in fronts such as corporate treasury management, corporate accounting aspects, short and long-term financial planning and financial assessments for investment projects. He also answers for the company and its affiliates' administrative functions: human resources, IT, logistics, procurement and/or acquisition of goods and services, corporate strategic planning management, insurance and management of shared service centers (Backoffice) for unity of gas transportation in Colombia and gas and electric power distribution in Colombia and Peru.

  • He is a business administrator from Universidad del Norte with a specialization in Financial Management from Maastricht School of Management (the Netherlands), and an MBA from Universidad de los Andes. Mercado has taken refresher courses in institutions in the country and abroad, such as Universidad de los Andes, Harvard Business School, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Kellog Graduate School of Management, University of Chicago-Booth School of Business and at IFC-The World Bank (an internship program on financial project assessment).

  • He is the member of Board of Directors in companies in which Promigas
    participates as a shareholder in the transmission, distribution and integrated
    natural gas services sectors, as well as the electric power generation and
    distribution sectors. He is a member, in representation of Promigas, of the Board of
    Directors of Icontec, Combarranquilla and Probarranquilla.

  • Throughout his professional career, he has accumulated ample comprehensive experience in the financial field, which he has shared as a university professor in strategic planning and the regulatory field. In the regulatory field, he has been in charge of natural gas transmission and distribution company fee negotiations in Colombia and other countries. He has actively participated as guest speaker at several events, panels and forums related to energy, finance, the capital market, antitrust regulations and inclusive businesses in Colombia, Peru, Panama, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, the United States, Guatemala and Dubai.​

Management Team​​

​Juan Manuel Rojas ​​

  • Promigas CEO​​​

  •                                                    ​

Alejandro Villalba McCausland​​​​

  • COO

María Paula Camacho​

  • Corporate Affairs and Sustainability VP​

Aquiles Mercado González​​​

  • CFO​

Ricardo Fernández

  • Transmission VP​


Wilson Chinchilla

  • Distribution VP

  •                                                    ​​

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       Diego Pé​rez

  •         Energy Solutions VP​

            ​​Read more​

Magda Patricia ​Galindo​​

  • Non-B​anking Financing VP


Jaime N​avas

  • Innovation, IT and Digital Transformation VP ​


Estefanía Leon​

  • Corporate Development, Strategy and Growth VP​​​​