


Distribution VP​



  • ​Electrical Engineer from Universidad Nacional de Colombia with specialization in Gas Engineering from Universidad Industrial de Santander and in Industrial Organization and Economic Regulation from Universidad EAFIT.​

  • ​Vice president of Distribution Businesses since 2018.

  • ​He began his professional career in 1989 at Empresa Antioqueña de Energía (EADE), after which his professional career continued progressively at EPM, holding several positions related to strategy, markets and regulation in the Energy sector.

  • ​At EPM, he worked as Generation System Planning engineer, coordinator of Gas and Electricity Regulation for the Generation Business, strategic advisor for the Energy Directorate, deputy director for Markets, Director of Energy (D), and his last position as executive vice president of Projects and Engineering.

Management Team​​

​Juan Manuel Rojas ​​

  • Promigas CEO​​​​​

​Alejandro Villalba McCausland​​​

  • COO​

María Paula Camacho​

  • Corporate Affairs and Sustainability VP​​​

Aquiles Mercado González​​​

  • CFO​

Ricardo Fernández

  • Transmission VP​


Wilson Chinchilla

  • Distribution VP​


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       Diego Pé​rez

  •        Energy Solutions VP​

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Magda Patricia ​Galindo​​

  • Non-Banking Financing VP​


Jaime N​avas

  • Innovation, IT and Digital Transformation VP ​


Estefanía Leon​

  • Corporate Development, Strategy and Growth VP​​​​
