


Transmission VP​


PEP: No​

  • Since joining Promigas in 1985, one of the oldest private companies in the natural gas industry of Latin America, Ricardo Fernandez has held, among other positions, the posts of General Manager of Gas Natural Comprimido (Compressed Natural Gas), today Gazel, Administrative and Commercial Vice President and now since 2013 as Business Unit Vice President of Transportation and LNG Services.

  • Mr. Fernandez has participated on the boards of industry associations including the Barranquilla section of the ANDI (Colombian Association of Industrialists), as well as Promitel, Cálidda, Surtigas, Gases de Occidente, Gases del Caribe and other companies in the Promigas investment portfolio.

  • He currently serves on the boards of the following related companies: Promioriente, Transmetano, Promisol and SPEC (Sociedad Portuaria el Callao), the first LNG import terminal of Colombia located in Cartagena and owned by Promigas.​

  • Ricardo is a Mechanical Engineer from Universidad del Norte, Senior  Management studies from Universidad de Los Andes in Colombia with complementary studies in strategic marketing management and industrial marketing Harvard Business School in USA. He has also attended The Wharton School of Business Advanced Management Program and the M&A Program​.

Management Team​​

​Juan Manuel Rojas ​​

  • Promigas CEO​​​

  • ​                                                   

Alejandro Villalba McCausland​​​​

  • COO​

María Paula Camacho​

  • Corporate Affairs and Sustainability VP​

Aquiles Mercado González​​​​

  • CFO​

Ricardo Fernández

  • Transmission VP​


Wilson Chinchilla

  • Distribution VP

  •                                                    ​

​​Read more​

       Diego Pé​rez

  •       Energy Solutions VP​

            ​​Read more​

Magda Patricia ​Galindo​​

  • Non-Banking Financing VP​


Jaime N​avas

  • Innovation, IT and Digital Transformation VP ​


Estefanía Leon​

  • Corporate Development, Strategy and Growth VP​​​​
