Governance Management
Global compact : Principie 10
We perform our activities in a framework of best corporate governance practices, promoting ethical and transparent business conduct.
The adoption and assimilation of our Company’s values and the performance of our operations in an ethical and transparent manner enables us to comply with the laws and regulations that apply to us, reduce the risk of corruption, and establish a commitment to doing business in an ethical manner, making good decisions that generate good actions.
Promigas and its related companies believe that the path to profitability and sustainable growth is through the application of ethical business conduct. To this effect, we have a Code of Conduct that has been approved by the Board of Directors and a Compliance Program for which senior management is the main responsible party. They have been developed based on a risk assessment, establishing controls, creating reporting channels and providing annual training to our employees through different channels, such as monthly mailings of ethical capsules, talks and workshops.
In 2021, no violations of laws and regulations related to social and economic aspects were reported.

ur Ethics Committee oversees compliance with our guidelines on this matter, and based on the adequate management of conflicts of interest, and following the required investigations, it determines the steps to be taken on reports received through the confidential reporting channels, in the event any inappropriate behavior is detected in violation of the Anti-corruption Policy or the Code of Conduct.
Adequate management of conflicts of interest is highly relevant for transparency in decision-making and in the management of our processes. For this reason we have an electronic suggestions box to make inquiries and validate situations that may give rise to them, and a policy that regulates them. Third parties may also receive advice from the compliance officer and make inquiries through the link on our website.
Communication and Training on Anti-corruption Policies and Procedures
In 2021, employees and third parties rated as “critical” were provided training and education on anti-corruption. According to the defined timetables, such training is offered every year to employees and every two years to third parties, which was carried out in 2020.
In 2021, no confirmed corruption cases were reported
Political contributions to parties or political representatives.Promigas and its companies do not make political contributions to political parties or representatives, as defined in our Code of Conduct. We respect the political affiliation of our employees and their right to vote and their freedom of expression and thought, and consequently any indication of support in this regard is made personally and not in the name of Promigas or its companies. This enables us to reinforce our responsibility, with the objective of protecting the reputation of Promigas and its related companies.