We Strengthen our Employees’
Comprehensive Development
Global compact: Principies 3| 6
Human Talent development and Well-being is one of our material topics to ensure the integral development of our employees, because our purpose is to ensure that the Organization has a competent team to achieve its objectives, promoting their health and overall development and an organizational environment and culture that is aligned with the corporate strategy.
We believe quality service begins with quality personnel. That is why we always seek to attract the best talent and create attractive retention plans and the possibility of internal transfers that enable our employees to achieve their goals.
We promote occupational health and take care of our employees and their core family members through programs focused on improving their lifestyles and on mitigating risks through the promotion of changes in habits and healthy lifestyles.
We are aware that our people are our main asset and we are certain that their personal and professional development contributes to achieving the strategic objectives we have set out. Consequently, our purpose is to ensure that the Organization has a competent team to achieve its objectives, by promoting their health, integral development and an organizational environment and culture that is aligned with the corporate strategy.
the organizational environment and its evolution at the corporate level. We carried out planned activities related to our Company’s organizational culture, aimed at aligning the culture to the corporate strategy. We participated in the construction of the strategic direction of the business, which is reflected in the updated corporate values, among other strategic elements.
Just as we care about the professional and personal development of our employees, we broadened the scope of the Cuidarte (take care of yourself) Program, which was initially focused on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, but which now includes other diagnoses for monitoring vulnerable populations.
The activities that were carried out produced the following achievements aimed at improving the development of our human talent:
At the corporate level, we achieved a significant improvement in the workplace environment score, which was up 8% compared to the previous assessment, as a result of which we climbed positions in the ranking scale, which confirms a very good workplace environment.
We implemented a strategy for prevention and mitigation of the impacts of COVID-19, which enabled a safe return to the facilities and the continuity of operations.
To strengthen the governance model and as support for fulfilling the corporate strategy, the structure of Brilla was designed and implemented at Promigas and its distribution affiliates.
The Quality of Life Program received an award in 2021 as an innovative program for the Sustainable Development Objective of Decent Work and Economic Growth.
Recognition to Surtigas for good practices in inclusion and gender equality with the certification of the Gender Equality Management System – Equipares Silver Seal, granted by the Labor Ministry and the Presidential Advisor for Women’s Equality, with technical support from the UNDP.
Our Employees.
For Promigas, it is very important to know its employees, and to this effect different types of indicators on employability are implemented to help perform the traceability of employees by gender, job category, contracts performed during 2021 and their identification, both in Colombia and Peru, with the purpose of determining the best strategies to provide training and benefits to all those identified.
Due to the health emergency and its evolution, we have developed different programs to ensure a safe returns to our offices following biosafety protocols, and we have updated our regulations checklists based on the updates related to the health emergency, as well as our Contingency Plan, which enables us to adapt to the new conditions and comply with applicable regulations in all human talent processes.
Turnover in 2021
The turnover rate of human talent remained steady during the year. The turnover rate is calculated as the number of employees who join and leave the Company as a percentage of the average number of total employees at the Organization, over a given time period. As indicated below, at the corporate level there were no significant changes between 2019 and 2021.

Competencies and Training
Given that 2021 was a year of adapting to the challenges arising from new regulations, virtual channels were our ally for adequately developing competencies and training for our employees, through video conferences and on-line courses, among others, with the purpose of providing training on various subjects.
Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews
As part of our competencies development management, we assess the number of hours of training received by our employees, as well as the results of their performance evaluations.
At Promigas, we are aware of the importance of providing benefits to our employees. These benefits include:
Health: Regarding healthcare services, in the framework of the exceptional regime of the General Social Security System Health Component pursuant to Law 100/1993, Promigas acts in the capacity of insurer and healthcare provider, and as occupational risk administrator for its employees, providing the following insurance policies and subsidies:
- Accident insurance
- Life insurance
- Medical insurance
- Health subsidies
Investment in health
Our investment in health totaled COP 10,772,931,923 to the benefit of
4,471 cemployees and benficiaries.
Leaves of absence and subsidies: The maternity and paternity leaves are remunerated leaves of absence that are additional to the paid leave established by law, to facilitate a gradual return to work by working mothers, and offering fathers the opportunity to spend three additional days with their children:
- Maternity leave
- Paternity leave
- Wedding subsidy
Education: In 2021, we invested COP 3,439 million in the education benefit for our employees, with the purpose of sponsoring educational programs for our employees.
Savings and investment: At Promigas, we promote saving and investing by providing a financial incentive to our employees to thereby stimulate saving and investment at the Company itself.
- Food subsidy
- Vacations bonus
- Shares
Hours: In view of the new regulations introduced during the pandemic, flexible hours and shifts have been established, because at Promigas we promote the physical and mental well-being of our employees, as follows:
- Flexible hours
Flexible shifts
Days off
Organizational Climate
An employee survey was carried out. The results are shown on a scale from 0 to 100. This is a special scale that displays the results in terms of a normal distribution. Even though it is similar, it is not a percentage scale. Here, values between 40 and 60 show the extent to which a particular result is similar to most organizations included in the group of reference (68%).
Being similar to the group of reference is positive, because their conditions are usually favorable for the workplace environment. The results found by gender are very similar and are above the trend of most companies in the group of reference.

Organizational climate assessment rating
Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety.
We promote employee participation in the establishment, training and implementation of the committees: Employer-Employee Occupational Safety and Health Committee (COPASST, for the Spanish original) and the Labor Coexistence Committee (CCL, for the Spanish original). The following are the results of this participation and involvement::
Employee health
In order to facilitate employee access to health and care services not related to work, the Company offers the benefit of a health policy 100% paid by the employee with an insurer legally incorporated in Colombia and with the best quality and service standards according to the tables of the Federation of Colombian Insurers (Fasecolda, for the Spanish original). Additionally, regular assessments and bidding processes are held to ensure that the contracted service is adequately provided, and a direct relationship is established with the insurer to ensure prompt resolution of issues that may arise related to service quality and access, and an insurance broker also enhances the efficiency of the Company-insurer relationship. The Company offers other health benefits such as dental plans, glasses, medications and even qualified doctor offices that provide employees timely service of excellent quality, because the providers are directly contracted and assessed under a predefined service model.
We have specific programs that offer employees not only health at work, but also comprehensive well-being both for employees and their families in some cases. The following are the voluntary programs:
El Club de la Salud: This program schedules weekly activities such as yoga, rumba, sports disciplines, and healthy cooking courses, among others.
Actívate: This program is aimed at performing daily 10-minute activities twice during the work shift, to work on physical, cognitive and emotional health, in order to improve work productivity and well-being.
Life Quality Program: It is focused on assisting a specific group of employees who work in shifts, and on managing fatigue through strengthening of healthy habits during and off work.
Care Schools: It is an educational strategy that promotes centralized processes in people to promote learning and assimilating care as a daily social practice among our workers on topics related to occupational health, intervention strategies and topics that contribute to managing risks at the Organization.