We Strengthen the
Human Rights Component
Global compact: Principies 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
We are committed to applying the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact, in the framework of four major themes: Human Rights, anti-corruption, labor standards and the environment. We are also certain that our management supports the targets defined by the United Nations for 2030, which translate into specific actions that contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals.
It is a top priority for us to work on the Human Rights component of the Global Compact principles:
1. principie: Promigas supports and respects the protection of the internationally recognized Human Rights in its area of influence and in the operation of its businesses.2. principie: Promigas ensures, through its due diligence actions, that its companies are not complicit in the violation of Human Rights.3. principie: We promote and support the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.4. principie:Through the efforts of the areas of Human Resources, Corporate Risks, Compliance, Supplies, HSE, Fundación Promigas, Legal, Physical Security, Maintenance and Equipment and Communities, we support the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor.5. principie: We are against child labor.
Under these principles, and based on the initiative of our sustainability area with assistance from an independent third party, we received feedback and detected existing gaps in Human Rights matters, to then define action plans with traceable deadlines for 2022, with the aim of continuing to strengthen the work of Promigas in its efforts related to the respect and promotion of the Human Rights of all its stakeholders, aligned with the international frameworks on this matter.
The following are the conceptual frameworks that were taken into consideration:
UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework.
Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights
DJSI-HR form
We also updated our corporate policy on Human Rights, which was ratified by the highest governance bodies at each company, which are their respective boards of directors. Also with assistance from this independent third party we included proposals to update and improve the Human Rights Policy, taking into consideration certain leading practices:
A Guide for Business How to Develop a Human Rights Policy
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Ethical Trading Initiative
The Fair Labor Association
Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
The United Nations Guide to Human Rights Impact Assessment and Management
Based on the efforts made by the Sustainability area of Promigas, and according to the gap analysis, it was concluded that the corporate maturity level of the Human Rights component in 2021 was 87%, which is a favorable percentage for the Company, as it demonstrates our commitment to compliance with Human Rights both in our Organization and in the neighboring communities of our areas of operations and of project implementation.
In the opinion of the advisors, the level of maturity of our Company is higher than other organizations in the industry thanks to our ongoing management that promotes the preservation and non-violation of Human Rights in all the contexts of our actions; the inclusion of Human Rights in our risk management; the creation and implementation of our own Human Rights Policy, which is attached to and complements our Code of Conduct, and, of course, our full willingness to attentively listen to the needs and expectations of our stakeholders. In 2022, we will also implement actions plans and strategies to further and significantly increase this level of maturity.
The above actions enabled us to obtain this level of maturity, and in 2022 the formulated action plans will be implemented to become a pioneering company in the strengthening and rigorous respect for Human Rights in its corporate activities.

Main activities/projects carried out in 2021
The main activities carried out during 2021 by the entire group were training during the new employee orientation process, and reinforcement sessions on assimilation of the policy for both new and existing employees.
Training for employees on policies or procedures about human rights: In 2022, no discrimination complaints were received.
2,023 employees were trained in Human Rights as part of the training on the Code of Conduct and specific training.
Therefore, the percentage of trained employees was 99.2%. A total of 3,468 hours of training on Human Rights were provided.
Performance at our Affiliates
Gases de Occidente
We highlight the management in 2021 of the Sustainability Department, for promoting the education of vulnerable children through Fundación Jeison Aristizábal, as well as the company’s participation in the Compromiso Valle private initiative, through which we joined efforts with the private sector of Valle del Cauca to contribute to the improvement of the social fabric in the area of influence of GdO.
Our affiliate held a forum on Human Rights named ‘National Action Plan for Business and Human Rights 2020-2022’ with Juan Manuel Valdeblánquez, advisor of the International Cooperation and Relations Office of the Labor Ministry, achieving excellent participation by employees.
In 2021, it held the Life and Sustainability event for suppliers and contractors, focusing on self-protection and the promotion of Human Rights, including a presentation of the new HR corporate policy to contractors.
29 employees participated in a 40-hour on-line course, in partnership with the national training service (SENA, for the Spanish original) and Fenalco, for the initial deployment of the updated Human Rights Policy, for its incorporation in their processes.
New employees joined the Collective Bargaining Agreement, because Surtigas offers employees with permanent contracts the opportunity to voluntarily subscribe to the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Fundación Promigas has adhered to the organization’s Human Rights Policy. Some of the most noteworthy results of this adhesion include training in the second half of 2021 to introduce and update the Human Rights aspects to all its personnel.
The training sessions stressed the importance of compliance with Human Rights provisions and the timely publication on the Foundation’s website of all the policy’s components, including the Code of Conduct and the Anti-corruption Policy.
Because our Human Rights component was strengthened in each of the described principles, action plans were launched aimed at increasing the level of maturity and ensure the optimal and specific implementation of this component, both at Promigas and at each of its companies.
Just as at Promigas we strengthened this component, our company Surtigas was awarded certification for the Gender Equality Management System – Equipares Silver Seal, granted by the Labor Ministry and the Presidential Advisor for Women’s Equality, with technical support from the UNDP. This certification demonstrates our commitment to the implementation of good labor practices and on having a positive impact on gender equality, thereby accelerating progress towards achieving SDG 5.
Outlook for Next Year
In 2022, we will continue to follow the corporate guidelines in the programs or activities derived from this policy, especially those related to due diligence activities, and participation in Human Rights training.